CHEMICAL LABORATORYConsulting activities

The Stante Chemical Laboratories provide advice in the field of industrial hygiene, with particular reference to the assessment of the risk of chemical agents, carcinogens and mutagens, biological agents and legionella (as part of the prevention of Legionellosis risk). Industrial hygiene services are coordinated and managed by ICFP certified internal figures according to UNI 11711.

As part of the assessment of risks from chemical, carcinogenic and mutagenic agents and biological agents, the Laboratories of the Stante Group offer integrated assistance packages, from preliminary risk analysis, to risk assessment, to industrial toxicological analysis on exposed workers and services of the occupational medicine doctor.

In addition, consultancy services are offered on specific subjects, such as REACH and CLP Regulations, the definition of safety data sheets (SDS) and related product analyzes.

The cosmetic consulting sector is expanding. In addition to laboratory analyzes, support services are offered for the preparation of technical data sheets, PIFs and other specific product documentation.

Industrial hygiene and chemical risk

The Italian law of reference for the protection of health and prevention at work is the Legislative Decree 81/08, Consolidated Law on Health and Safety at Work (TUSL), which has as its primary objective to ensure adequate health and safety conditions in every workplace. For this reason, the TUSL provides, among others, as a prevention tool, the process of assessing risks in the workplace from physical agents, dangerous substances and biological agents, with particular focus on asbestos, legionella and carcinogens. .

The evaluations aim to identify the probability of onset of occupational diseases and potential accidents at work. From the results obtained, the employer is called upon to work in order to eliminate or at least minimize the risk factors present in the company by defining improvement actions that include both immediate and medium-long term actions, weighted on the results of the assessments. carried out.

The activity of our laboratories

The Laboratory has ICFP certified figures as Industrial Hygienists, adequately trained and competent, professionally trained in industrial hygiene, who cover the role of evaluator (in accordance with UNI EN 689) to carry out the Chemical Risk Assessment process from dangerous chemical agents, from the preliminary assessment phase to the personal and environmental sampling phase for the experimental assessment, if necessary, of the risk greater than irrelevant. Preliminarily to the sampling phase, the Customer Hazardous Observation Laboratory with consultancy activities to define improvement guidelines in order to minimize the exposure of personnel to the chemical agents that characterize the activity carried out as much as possible.

Other industrial hygiene assessments

The Stante Chemical Laboratories are able to support the Customer for other specific assessments, such as:

  • Biological risk in accordance with the obligations set out in Legislative Decree 81/08 Title X;
  • The Legionella risk is a specific risk with respect to the biological risk assessment that follows the provisions of the STATE-REGIONS CONFERENCE OF 07.05.2015 and the Guidelines for the prevention and control of legionellosis by the Ministry of Health;
  • The carcinogenic risk in accordance with the obligations set out in Legislative Decree 81/08 Title IX, Chapter II;
  • The risk from explosive atmospheres (ATEX) in accordance with the obligations set out in Legislative Decree 81/08 Title XI.

REACH regulation

The REACH Regulation has been in force since 1 June 2007 and aims at the integrated management of chemicals, through the regulation of registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction.

The activity of our laboratories

The Laboratory provides consultancy services for the adaptation of chemical management processes in accordance with the REACH Regulation with its subsequent additions and harmonizing the classification system in accordance with the CLP Regulation. The Laboratory also offers assistance and technical advice for the preparation of Safety Data Sheets in accordance with Regulation (EU) no. 830/2015 of 28 May 2015 (in force until 31/12/2022) and to Regulation (EU) no. 2020/878 of 18 June 2020 (applicable from 1 January 2021).

CLP Regulation

The CLP Regulation amends and integrates the REACH Regulation and aims to harmonize the principles of classification and legislation on the labeling and packaging of mixtures and substances.

The CLP Regulation provides that each hazardous chemical agent is assigned one or more hazard classes, one or more pictograms, a category that assesses the severity of the hazard and one or more hazard statements. Specifically, the CLP Regulation provides for 9 pictograms identifiable by a regular quadrilateral with a red border and a white background inside which are represented black symbols to which a precise meaning is assigned.

The REACH Regulation and the CLP Regulation have as their common address that of guaranteeing the circulation of chemical products in an international context, ensuring a significant degree of safety and protection of health and environmental protection.

The activity of our laboratories

The Laboratory provides consultancy services for the adaptation of chemical management processes in accordance with the REACH Regulation with its subsequent additions and harmonizing the classification system in accordance with the CLP Regulation. The Laboratory also offers assistance and technical advice for the preparation of Safety Data Sheets in accordance with Regulation (EU) no. 830/2015 of 28 May 2015 (in force until 31/12/2022) and to Regulation (EU) no. 2020/878 of 18 June 2020 (applicable from 1 January 2021).

SDS regulation

The legislation provides that for all those substances and mixtures for which hazard classes are defined, an SDS must be drawn up in compliance with Annex II of the REACH Regulation. The Regulation specifies that the structure of the Safety Data Sheets of substances and mixtures considered dangerous for human health must be characterized by 16 sections, each of which consists of subsections to be filled in compulsorily. If there are fields not relevant to the case, the compiler of the SDS must justify the non-applicability in order to justify the choice.

The activity of our laboratories

The Laboratory, thanks to the vast range of instruments and the experience gained over time, carries out chemical and chemical-physical analyzes on the products for which the SDS are required and supports the Customer in the creation of the Safety Data Sheets in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation.