WATER ANALYSISThe most requested analyses

Il Legislative Decree 152/06 classifies water into surface water bodies (surface watercourses, lakes, coastal marine waters, transitional waters, artificial water bodies, heavily modified water bodies) and groundwater bodies (groundwater). In the annexes to Part Three, the legislative decree regulates in detail the quality of each type of water, indicating control parameters, maximum limits of acceptability and reference methods for analysis and sampling.

Il Legislative Decree 31/01 regulates water intended for human consumption by defining the parameters, limits, performance of methods for bottled water and mains water following purification and suitable potability processes.
At the industrial level, companies may be subject to Integrated Environmental Authorisations (IAAS) that place more restrictive limitsor require the analysis of additional parameters such as site-specific pollution indices.
Over recent years, research in the environmental field and studies conducted by environmental agencies, both Italian and international, has paid greater attention to water pollution from emerging pollutants, such as PFAS and pesticides.
From a microbiological point of view, particular attention is paid to the risk of legionellosis in the accumulation of domestic hot water.

The Stante Chemical Laboratories offer their sampling and laboratory services under accreditation with number LAB N° 1051 L in accordance with the standardUNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Thanks to their organization oriented towards customer satisfaction, the competence of their staff and the high level of technology and laboratory automation, the Stante Chemical Laboratories are able to intervene quickly and provide the customer with accurate and reliable results.

WATER ANALYSISLegislative references

  • Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, no. 152 “Environmental regulations”;
  • Legislative Decree 2 February 2001, n. 31 “Implementation of Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption”;
  • Ministerial Decree 14/06/2017, Transposition of Directive (EU) 2015/1787 amending Annexes II and III to Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption. Amendment of Annexes II and III of Legislative Decree no. 31 of 2 February 2001 31
  • DIR (EU) 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption

WATER ANALYSISHow to present the sample in the Laboratory

If the sampling is carried out by the customer, the correct sampling procedure for water destined for the analysis of potability provides for sterilizing the end of the duct (e.g. tap) from which the water to be sampled comes out with a bunsen burner. The sample must be collected in three containers: a clean plastic or glass bottle (at least 1 litre of water) intended for chemical analysis and two sterile containers (preferably a sterile urine container, 200 mL capacity or two 100 mL containers) intended for microbiological analysis. The use of clean plastic or glass containers is recommended for the sampling of waste water.

Each sample delivered to the laboratory must be accompanied by the accompanying document, without which the Laboratory will not proceed with the acceptance of the sample.

This document can be completed at the time of delivery of the sample to the Laboratory.
However, to speed up the sample acceptance procedure, please download the form by clicking on the button below