INDUSTRIAL HYGIENEIntroduction to industrial hygiene: health and safety at work

The increased awareness of workers and employers to safety and health in the workplace and the constant need to put in place effective preventive measures for the protection of workers, has encouraged a more extensive application of the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/08 by companies. This implementation goes hand in hand with the certification requirements of medium to large companies in accordance with ISO 45001, which requires the user to implement a robust prevention and protection system that is fully compliant with the applicable legal requirements.

Industrial hygiene is part of this prevention and protection framework through the assessment of risks in the workplace, both physical and chemical and microbiological.
The mandatory nature of these assessments is borne by the Employer in application of Article 17 of the Civil Code.


The Stante Chemical Laboratories offer a complete service for the assessment of risks of a chemical and microbiological nature. In particular, the Company has experienced staff qualified to carry out:

  • Chemical risk assessment
  • Carcinogenic risk assessment
  • Biohazard Assessment
  • Legionellosis risk assessment

See details of the services on the dedicated page.

Within the assessment, the sampling activities necessary for the experimental investigation of workers’ exposure profiles to the chemical agents in question are defined. The personnel in charge of the field activities are trained and competent and equipped with modern and reliable instruments both for investigations with direct reading instruments and for subsequent laboratory analysis.

INDUSTRIAL HYGIENEAdditional services

The Stante Chemical Laboratories can provide occupational medicine services through the Stante Clinical Laboratories belonging to the Stante Group. These services include the appointment of an occupational physician, the collection of blood samples and clinical and toxicological laboratory tests in accordance with the health protocols defined by the physician and specialist outpatient services.

Thanks to the Company’s network of nurses, the testing service can take place either at one of the testing points identified by the Stante Clinical Laboratories or at the company.

INDUSTRIAL HYGIENEHow to present the sample in the Laboratory

The sampling media must be stored in such a way as to ensure the integrity and representativeness of the sampled portion.

To speed up the sample acceptance procedure, please download the form by clicking on the button below